Industries in Kanpur

A major industrial hub in the region, Kanpur is the economic capital of Uttar Pradesh. The city which was known as Manchester of the East during the British rule produces 15 percent of share of India’s leather produce. The city besides leather products produces products of distinct niche segments including cotton, hosiery, paint and allied sector among others.

Major Industrial Areas in Kanpur

Industrial Clusters in Kanpur

The city has ten industrial clusters which are spread throughout Kanpur. The industrial areas in Kanpur include Kalpi Road, Uptron Estate Panki, Panki Site-I, Panki Site –II, Panki Site –III, Panki Site-IV, Panki Site-V, Dada Nagar, Rooma and Chakeri.

As per statistics released by District Industrial Corporation, Kanpur, the city has over 17444 registered industrial units.

Major Industries in Kanpur

Kanpur has industries of various magnitude and distinct types. Major industrial categories in Kanpur include agro-based industries, cotton textile units, Jute based industries, paper and leather based industries, mineral, metal and furniture industries among other.

Industries worth over Rs 100 Crore

Kanpur is home to some major industries which have turnover over Rs 100 crore. All of these are located in Panki industrial area, Kanpur. M/s Lohia Starlinger Ltd, M/s Kanpur Fertilizer and Cement Ltd and M/s LML Ltd are the major industries dealing in machine and tool manufacturing and fertilizer and chemicals in Panki industrial area.

Industrial Clusters in Kanpur

Major Industrial Areas in Kanpur

Industries in Kanpur have been divided into two major clusters:
  1. Manufacturing Sector
  2. Service Sector

Kanpur Manufacturing Sector

All the industries which manufacture products of industrial and economic importance fall in manufacturing sector. Some of the major industrial clusters in this sector include:

Cotton Hosiery Cluster

The industries associated with cotton and hosiery segment manufacture t-shirts, tops skirts and hosiery knitted products. Around 467 units are functioning under the ambit of this cluster. The turnover of industries in this cluster is around 256 crore which speaks volume about the relevance of this cluster.

Soap and Detergent Cluster

Industries under this cluster include units involved in manufacturing of laundry soap, detergent powder, liquid detergent and floor cleaners. Around 100 units are functioning under this cluster and the turnover of this cluster is Rs 600 crore.

Paint and Allied Industries Cluster

Small Industries in Kanpur

Industries under this cluster are engaged in production of enamel based paints, oil bound distempers, wood finishes, emulsions and varnishes. 50 industries are functioning under this cluster and the cluster has a turnover of over 100 crore.

This cluster provides employment to over 2000 people in Kanpur and the products are used across North India.

Leather and Leather Products

This is one of the major industrial clusters in Kanpur. The industrial units involved in this cluster produce finished leather products, leather footwear, leather garments and goods. Over 1635 units are involved in production of Leather products with a turnover of over 292 crore.

This is one of the prime industrial clusters of Kanpur which exports products worth 72 crore every year. The cluster is a major source of employment as over 1 lakh people are associated with the leather industry in Kanpur.

Service Sector

This cluster has following industries under its ambit:
  1. Cold Storage Industry
  2. Tailoring
  3. Motor vehicle
  4. Repair and maintenance of household appliances
Unlike the industries in manufacturing sector cluster which have a national and international reach, the industrial units in service sector cater to the requirements of Kanpur city and localities in its vicinity.
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